Tuesday, April 28, 2015

We are R.E.A.C.H.

Picture Credit
 We are R.E.A.C.H.
We have been convicted by the New Testament writings in Acts about how the first century church looked and functioned, and therefore, R.E.A.C.H. was born.
We desire a purer teaching of scripture based solely on the word of God, and not the confines of a covering.
We seek more direct missions and outreach by rolling our sleeves up and doing it ourselves.
We empower and equip people to be powerful leaders in their own rights in order to efficiently reach a world so desperate for the truth of Jesus Christ.

Below is a list of why we chose a home-based church ministry and the correlating verses.
This is the website where we received much of this information.

1. Churches typically met in homes.  (Acts 2:46-47; 5:42; 8:3; 12:12; 16:40; 20:7-8; 20:20; Rom.16:3-5; 1Cor.16:19; Col.4:15; Philemon 2; 2Jn.9-11)

2. When the number of believers outgrew a home, a new church was formed. (Rom.16:3-5; 14-15; Acts 2:41-47)

3. There were no denominations; instead there was one church in each city, meeting in various homes. (Acts 8:1; 11:26; 18:22; Rom.16:1; 1Cor.1:2; Rev.2:1; Col.4:16; 1Thess.1:1; Rev.2:12; 3:7; 3:1; 2:8; 2:18)

4. Elders were local brothers who arose from within a local church where their life and character were known. (Acts 14:23; Titus 1:5)

5. Church meetings were participatory and interactive – every member had a function and contribution to make. (1Cor.12:4-27; 14:26; Eph.4:15-16; Rom.12:3-8; 1Pet.4:10-11; Heb.10:23-25; Rom.12:15; 1Cor.12:26)

6. Church meetings were characterized by informality, flexibility, and spontaneity. (Acts 20:7-12; 1Cor.14:26-31)

7. The goal of the meeting was mutual edification. (1Cor.14:3,4,5,12,17,26; Eph.4:11-12,16; Heb.10:24-25)

8. The church was led by a plurality of co-equal Elders. (Acts 14:23; 20:28; Phil.1:1; 1Tim.4:17; Heb.10:17; James 5:14; 1Pet.5:1-2)

9. The church was cared for by a team of pastors who were accountable to each other and the church; they were also known as elders or overseers. No one elder functioned as the head of the church. (Acts 20:28; Titus 1:5-7; 1Pet.5:1-2)

10. Some elders might be financially supported, but they were usually bi-vocational (1Tim.5:17-18; Acts 20:33-35)

11. There was no clergy/laity distinction in the church – all the members comprised a fully functioning priesthood. (Heb.13:15-16; 1Pet.2:5,9; Rev.1:6)

12. The Lord’s Supper was observed as often as the church regularly gathered and was the stated purpose for their meetings. (Acts 20:7; 1Cor.11:18-20,33)

13. The Lord’s Supper was observed as a full meal. (Acts 2:42,46; 1Cor.11:20-21; Jude 12)

14. The Lord’s Supper was observed with glad and sincere hearts as the church not only reflected on Christ’s death, but also on the future marriage supper of the Lamb which it depicted. The believer’s horizontal relationship with other believers was emphasized. (Acts 2:46; Luke 22:15-18,30; 1Cor.11:26; Acts 2:42; 1Cor.10:16)

15. New believers were baptized as soon as it was humanly possible. (Acts 2:37-41; 8:12; 8:36-38; 9:17-18; 10:45-48; 16:31-34; 19:5)

16. Baptism was performed by any Christian. (Jn.4:2; Acts 8:12; 8:36-39; 9:18; 22:16; 1Cor.1:17)

17. The church was not always present when someone was baptized. (Acts 8:12; 8:36-39; 16:31-34)

18.Various brothers taught the church, and allowed the congregation the opportunity to question them and/or add their own insights. (Acts 20:7; 1Cor.14:29-35)

19. The church gave primarily to relieve the poor and assist Christian workers, often beyond their means; they had very little if any administrative expenses. (Acts 2:44-45; Gal.6:9-10; 1Jn.3:17; 1Tim.5:17-18; 1Cor.9:6-14; 2Cor.8:3; Phil.4:15-18; Lk.12:33-34; Eph.4:28; James 1:27)

20. Believers gave voluntarily as God had blessed them and they had purposed in their heart; tithing was not carried over into the NT church. (2Cor.8:3-4; 9:7)

Sunday, April 19, 2015

April 19th, 2015

Last week my family and I took a much-needed vacation to Florida. The best part of it...?

Our dedicated and devoted church family met in our absence, and had an AMAZING time of fellowship. They had a chance to connect one-on-one and Rick Frederick lead out in the teaching.

This morning we had a subtly divine worship service.

Once again, we added yet another beautiful family to our fellowship time and it was an incredible morning.

My wife recently became friendly with our newest neighbors, and it turns out they are a ministry family searching for a building to start their own church. They were receptive to our church family, and we are certain they will be life long friends.

God gave both our families a vision of having 'church' in the middle of our cove!
It was wonderful to share dreams and visions...and we're so excited to see what God is going to do with our hunger.

This morning we discussed our focus. We ought to focus on Loving God and Loving His people. If we are true to these two commandments, all other areas of struggle will fall into place.

Other members brought up different aspects of love and how we need to humble ourselves in order to reach more. We talked about different facets of outreach and how to volunteer and mentor to make disciples.

Our morning was supernatural, edifying, exciting and FULL of love! Our members are excited to come together, and even more excited to go out!

God has been so good to us, and we're humbled.

Pray for increase. Pray for able, willing and teachable hearts. Pray for the impossible.

We love Florida too!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Resurrection Sunday

This was the first Easter (first holiday, period!) we spent together as R.E.A.C.H.!

It was incredible! Our church body was all dressed in their Easter Sunday best and we had the privilege to share our morning with two very recent additions to our church family! They are a beautiful young couple with a driving passion to do the work of Christ!

They add a necessary edge to our church family and we're blessed to have them!

The other precious family that worships with us brought their mother to our resurrection celebration, and we felt absolutely complete!

We all feel like we're standing on the edge of a supernatural awakening, and we're ready to go! We've been given marching orders and we're getting dressed for battle!

More outreach opportunity is coming quickly, and we need more hands! Let's reach the people with the truth of Jesus Christ...He didn't die just for us...He died for ALL! For them...

Be watching for the men's Bible study we'll be starting up soon, and remember our women's study 'Judgemental Stones that Destroy Women' on Friday nights!


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Women's Bible Study THIS Friday

(This is a re-post from kaylaagreer.blogspot.com)

I'm beyond excited to be starting up a new women's Bible study this Friday night in our home.

Friday, March 27th @6pm -please email me kaygreer87@yahoo.com or find my husband on Facebook for more info (Matt Greer).
This Bible study is going to be different. Yes, we're going to study the Word, but I'll be revamping what it means to meet together as women. I'll be redefining our roles, our relationships and the way we communicate.

We will be looking at Judgemental Stones what Destroy Women, and this Friday we'll be discussing the 'BFF Stone'. You're not going to want to miss this!

Other Stones we'll be looking at:
The Stone of Self-Judgement that isn't Reality
The Stone of Calling Hurtful Statements, 'Honesty'
The Stone of Assuming and Not Knowing
The Comparative Stone
The Equality Stone

I'll be combining a lot of these for times sake, but all are important to womanhood and we'll search each one throughout the next 6 weeks!
I pray that your heart is being prepared for this study, as mine has been broken for it.
I'll see you Friday!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Frustrations Of A Father

Ever since I have had the opportunity to own a vehicle, I have tried to keep it clean and looking nice. A shiny car always looks newer, and it just makes me feel better driving a nice clean car.

After all of the snow, ice, salt, etc. from the past couple of weeks, the vehicles were in need of a good scrub down. So I jumped on the first opportunity to do so.

After getting everything set up, I lined the cars in the driveway. Much to my inconvenience, my 2 and 3 year old were wanting me to go jump on the trampoline with them. I kept trying to encourage them to jump without me, but to no avail. My wife tried to encourage the same turning to me and saying, "they just want to spend time with you".
I have never been one to mix work and play, so any time the boys 'help', I just end up becoming frustrated and upset with them.

Nevertheless, I let them out to help, and the inevitable chaos ensued. I promise you, when little boys get around water they grow extra hands just to cause more trouble. There were so many tiny hands in the bubbles, and all of the wash rags went straight into the muddy puddles. There was running and splashing; along with the clean areas being dirtied again. The faster I tried to work, the more spots I was missing.

My clean soapy water kept getting lower and dirtier each time the boys dunked their rags in it.
I was so frustrated that I was about to send them both inside, and then it hit me. Actually, God hit me. Right upside the head. Just like all of those times I was acting up in church and thought I was out of the reach of my father.
He reminded me that there are hundreds of thousands of dad's who would give everything they own for their child to ask to spend some time with them. So many fathers who ache just to see their child one last time. Here I was, being frustrated by my boys for simply being boys. I wasn't willing to enjoy their laughter and rowdiness while I have them by my side.

All of the extra work and all of the missed spots seemed to fade from my mind when I began to think of what my heavenly Father must feel like when dealing with us. I read into the frustration that Jesus had with the disciples on many occasions. Either for their lack of faith, their inability to stay awake and pray, their fear or their simple lack of understanding.

I wonder if Jesus was ever ready to throw in the towel, send them on their way and do it Himself?
I wonder if He ever questioned His Father, if all of the extra work and all of the repetitive teaching was really doing any good at all. It seemed as if they would never get it because their agendas of being the greatest in the kingdom was always in the front of their mind.

Before this time with my boys, I had always wondered why He uses us. I could never figure out why He would take all of the extra time to deal with the frustration of our lack of obedience and faith, instead of just destroying the earth all together.

It had never made any sense until those two filthy, soaking wet boys came running up to me. With the biggest smiles on their faces, they yelled, "Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" Now I know, and now I understand.

You may see me driving around town in a shiny, black SUV with dirt spots down along the side. You may wonder why I would take the time to hook up the hose, fill the buckets, get the rags, scrub down the car, and yet, not get it completely clean.
To this I would have to say, "because each one of those imperfections remind me that my children love me, and want to spend time with ME more than anything in the world."

This is what our heavenly Father desires of us, as well. That no matter what this world throws at us, we would always choose Him over it all. Not because we have to, or because we know that's what He'd like us to do...but because we WANT to. Because we can't get enough of His presence. Because being with Him is better than anything else in the world.

Monday, March 16, 2015

650 PROJECT has Begun!

What a truly AWESOME day we had yesterday together at R.E.A.C.H.!

We all gathered at our home to prepare, and then hit the streets after a word of prayer for our safety and the hearts of those we'd encounter.

With our blessing bags in tote we sought out those living on the streets of Memphis. We met some really incredible men!
One, in particular, has a ministry of his own helping the other homeless men, and visiting them to encourage them EVEN though he's homeless himself!
The men were touched and gave us great information on other homeless people in Memphis that needed our help!

It struck a chord with our youth that participated. They got to see, first hand, what compassion looks like. NOT from us...but from those who had nothing. They were willing to give and do more than we could ever dream of doing. These men admitted they made mistakes, and they were humbled by the life they had led.

Another man told us that the media likes to put out that there are only roughly 250some homeless men and women in the Memphis City Metro. He said, in fact, there are between 2,300-2,500.

Even though those numbers are heartbreaking, we are encouraged. We are burdened to do more, to go further and to reach the multitudes!

We are not going to give the names or locations of these men, specifically for their safety, but if you would like to help please contact me through Facebook or bygrace17@yahoo.com

We need workers. The fields are right for the harvest and we're ready to go! We're here to go, to love and to watch His truth set people free!


Saturday, March 7, 2015


R.E.A.C.H. Ministries Outreach

There are approximately 650,000 people within the city limits of Memphis.

As Sunday rolls around, only 23% of Memphians are walking through the doors of an organized religious establishment.
This includes home churches, all denominations and non Christian places of worship.

This leaves approximately 487,500 people *admitting* they do not attend church for various reasons.
I believe this number to be much higher, especially in Memphis.

Example: a neighborhood church group knocks on your door Saturday morning. They want to know if you attend church anywhere...
Or, even better...a Jehovah's witness knocks and starts their script. You don't normally attend church... ever... so you tell them you already have a home church and you politely send them on their way.

Many people lie about attending a church just to be left alone. Therefore, this is why I believe the number to be much higher than the polls project.

The 650 PROJECT is aimed at trying to reach those who are tired of the questions, tired of religion, tired of Jesus being presented in a 2 minute 'sinner's prayer' with a guy in a suit they don't even know. Our goal is to go where the people are and connect on a level they desire. What better way to reach a desperate world then going directly to the hurt and trying to understand things from their point if view. We're on their turf, on their terms, where they're most comfortable.

No more will we be comfortable to invite the lost into our cozy churches only knowing they more than likely will never show up. Even if they do, we tell them we're glad they came and we'll be praying they return...all the while knowing they never will.
We're seeking active relationships with struggling people knowing God is going to bring about remarkable outcomes!
No more sitting in our churches or homes.

We're hitting the streets, and we're putting our faith to the test.

Let's reach the 650+ thousand people of Memphis with some hardcore truth. Let's physically put Bibles.... not just tracts... but the entire Word of God into their hands. Let's live like Jesus did and seek the hurt of this city knowing that Christ is the only healer!

Let's win back Memphis with love!
R.E.A.C.H. Ministries Outreach

Friday, March 6, 2015

Women's Bible Study

I am so excited to announce the first Bible study I'll be leading out as part of R.E.A.C.H. ministries! This study will focus on women and how to become better at the roles we were given by God. We are going to dig deep into Titus, Proverbs and most of the New Testament in order to reveal what God says about our gifts, talents and how we ought to encourage each other.

Our main focus is going to be Judgements that we don't always necessarily see as judgements. I'll be sharing funny moments, embarrassing times and stories of struggle from my own life, and I will encourage any woman who comes to do the same.

I'm praying for open conversation where each woman feels safe and protected. A study time every week where she cannot wait to come and be with other women who love her and want to build her up in the name of Christ. I have been in non-stop prayer over this study God's preparing me for, and for every woman who should decide to attend.

Over the past two years my heart has been burdened for Women's Ministry. I've gone through struggles of my own which broke and shaped my heart for the journey my Lord has lead me to now. I never thought in a million years I'd be called into women's ministry, and even questioned God if I was able.
Through a couple bold prayers, and some more character-shaping journeys, God revealed a fierce Word in my heart. I'm overwhelmed and humbled, and I'm ready to share what God has shown me!

I challenge you...If you are not part of a women's group/study to come see what we're doing! What an amazing time we set aside for each other and God's word, solely for the purpose of knowing Him and each other better.

So now that you're hungry for this super awesome, knock your socks off Bible study...(!!!)...

Friday, March 27th from 6-7pm
@our home (email me for more info: kaygreer87@yahoo.com)
We will meet for 6 weeks every Friday going until May 8th (we'll skip a week in April)

I pray that you'll come! You'll be blessed!

-Kayla G.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

God Celebration

Fellowship after service. Always a good time:)
What a mighty God we serve!  And what an amazing day of worship we had together as a church body. It literally felt like we were having a party in the name of Christ.
Our young people sharing the Word.

We talked about counting the cost of salvation and how to live more like Christ commanded we ought to live.
We even started going through our favorite scripture passages and sharing how much it meant to our daily walk. God was moving and everyone felt the love in the room.

We ate, shared and organized new outings. We are so encouraged by what God is doing with our humble ministry. We never expected such amazing relationship and wildly pure worship of our King.

Our baby Asher passed out from all the fun.
We ask for prayers for our ministry and the work God has called us to do. We are stepping out in complete faith, and we are doing what most only dream of doing. We are going out to
love God's people...

Pray we have the words to say.
Pray for our safety.
Pray that we are able to make a difference.
Pray that our hearts stay humble and our mission stays focused!

We'd love for you to help. More details to come. For more info message me on Facebook.
Our children are part of our service time. This gives them foundation and interaction with the whole Word of God.

Thursday, February 26, 2015


Who's ready to be the literal hands and feet of Christ?

R.E.A.C.H is doing just that by reaching out to our local homeless men and women who are literally in our backyard. Our church has decided to make 'Blessing Bags' to take to the people living in tents and begging on the corners of our busy streets.

Our goal isn't just to get the necessary supplies to our local homeless community... we want to form relationships, disciple and offer lasting help and support to these people.  It's time to love someone and that's exactly what we're going to do.

We will soon be rolling out the '650 PROJECT' which ties in with our outreach projects.

Stay tuned! 

Monday, February 23, 2015

Feb 22nd Recap

What an exciting day we had yesterday. Our precious church family arrived and we got right into the meat of the Word.
We started by discussing our week, and my wife lead out in a small worship time. We then got into our teaching on End Times, ISIS, the four horsemen and what it all means to us.

We were all encouraged by the conversation and the desire that everyone had to contribute. My wife will soon blog about End Times and her findings. It's something you're not going to want to miss!!

After fellowship, we broke for lunch. We ate, laughed, ate some more and simply enjoyed each others company. We even had the privilege of having Mrs. Christal's red velvet cake!! Yum!
Our fellowship went late into the evening, and like last week, we didn't want to part ways. It's absolutely amazing how turning back to the Biblical New Testament church makes people change how they view church and what it means to assemble and enjoy the company of other believers.

We organized outreach projects, Bible studies and so much more that we will be unrolling soon!  If your interest is peeked, if your heart is pricked or if you're simply feeling convicted... we'd love to invite you to see what R.E.A.C.H is all about! Our Bible studies are open to everyone, as well as our outreach projects.

We pray that God revealed Himself in your worship time yesterday as He did ours. If you'd like more info on R.E.A.C.H please find me on Facebook @Matt Greer.

Be blessed & eat cake!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Re-purposed People

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DIYers all over the world love to take something of seemingly little value and create something with a new purpose and of greater value. Whether it is an old tv cabinet or a broken wooden pallet; we all love to watch the transformation of some old worn out item into a priceless work of art! I guess the old saying still rings true "One mans trash is another mans treasure".
Picture Credit

2 Cor. 5:17 explains that once a life has been entrusted to God, the old man has been transformed to a new life with a new purpose and a fresh beginning. When the grace of God is poured out on a life whose world has been shattered, they are forever changed. Whether it is a wife who has suffered abuse at the hands of a drunken husband, a child who has been abandoned by a single mother or man whose wife just left him for his best friend are all able to be re-purposed so that they might see their greater value.

Many people will travel the world over in search of things to cover their scars or to help them forget their pain but they will never find it. Many will seek the arms of a stranger or an old flame to try to be reminded of their worth, but they will never find their true sense of worth and purpose in this world. It must be found in the One who gave His life so that we might have life as is spoken of in John 10:10.

Whether your heart has been hardened by countless years of abuse and ridicule, or if you are just in search of something better...God is simply waiting for you to turn complete control of your life over to Him. He requires you to sacrifice everything so that He can give your life meaning and purpose.
Romans 12:1-2 explains that we need to offer our lives as a living sacrifice to God and to allow Him to transform us and renew our mind.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 reminds us that we are no longer the lord of our life, but we have been bought with the blood of Jesus Christ and our new life should bring glory to God.

We cannot allow the devil or the world to remind us of our history. Once we have been transformed, we have been re-purposed. Our life is now of endless worth and we have been given a higher purpose.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Feb 15th's Praises!

We had such an amazing day of worship this morning! Our home became a place of worship as some incredible people filtered in bringing food and love. Our boys ran around and entertained everyone for a little while, which filled our home with an overwhelming joy and sense of family.

After while, we gathered in the living room for worship. We all had the opportunity to share how God revealed Himself to us over the course of our week, and we were in awe when we realized our encounters all connected in some way.
It was wonderful to sing God's praises in unison, and to feel His Spirit fill our humble space.

We got into our teaching which was about the sacrificial cost of discipleship. We discussed how we ought to trust God with our finances when were called to step out in leaving jobs, places of worship, etc.
We are called to live a life of simplicity as talked about in Matthew 6:25-34.
The world will make lists of "things" you need, however, God has clearly called us to a life of simplicity. 

We had the privilege of one man sharing something he had studied about trials, and how they aren't always bad. Sometimes trials are good in order to teach us something. We learn humility in times of blessings and abundance, and all good trials are learning tools that are given to us in order to shape our character. This all allows our lives, money and  homes to be tools for God to use to further His kingdom.

This ISNT us, but this IS what we look like. Picture Credit
After our fellowship time, we prayed and never even realized that TWO HOURS had passed. We had been so swept away by the Holy Spirit that time literally became irrelivant.
We continued on to lunch where we laughed, told stories and played with our children. It was warm and intimate and everything God intended the church body should be!
Our fellowship continued late into the afternoon, and here is where something amazing happened...

No one wanted to part ways.

We were so satisfied just being together that we weren't worried with our schedules or chores or TV shows that we may have been missing. Some were ready to settle in for a nap with our boys...and we would have been just fine with that:)

We believe this is what God intended His Sabbath to be like. A day of rest, singing praises to His name and loving one another in His name.

If you did not have an experience like this, this morning...and would like to have this experience. We encourage you to try REACH. We'd love to have you!

Pictures will come soon. Until then, be blessed. God is everywhere.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

City Serve Camp 2015

It's camp time again!

REACH loves City Serve and we are excited to go back for the second year! We're looking for students 6-12th grade to come with us for a week long camp.
We will serve this city and share God's love through rebuilding outreach projects. We will seek God and connect with other students in the city through our worship times together everyday.

$175 Per-student
May 31st - June 4th, 2015
To sign up to go with REACH, please contact Pastor Matt: bygrace17@yahoo.com
Mrs. Kayla: kaygreer87@yahoo.com
Or through this blog or facebook (Matt Greer)

View Flyer here:

Sign up today! Let's REACH out to our community!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Take the Scales Off (Part 2)

A couple days ago I talked about how bold Jesus was when He spoke, and how particular He was about the faith and integrity of those people who called themselves "Christ-followers".

Today I'm going to focus on the choice to become a Christ-follower, and what most don't understand about what's required to make that choice.

Let's look at Luke 14.
Here, again, we see Jesus with a crowd of people! They gathered from all over, just like in Matthew13, and they wanted to hear Jesus speak.

Luke 14:26-27 “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple. And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple." (HCSB)

Here's a fun little scenario of what I would imagine the dialogue to be between Jesus and His disciples:)

Jesus - "You gotta hate yourself, your wife, your kids, your family...orrrr you can't follow Me. Ohhh yea, and...you gotta take up your cross and carry it. Okay? Great, thanks!" 
Disciples - "Jesus, what are you doing, man? You can't tell people they've gotta hate their families and themselves. What's this deal with carrying stuff?"
Jesus - "Funny, you guys still don't get it, do you?"
Disciples - "Maybe just explain it some more..."
Jesus - "k."

He goes on in Luke 14:28-30 "For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it lest, after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish’?" (HCSB)
Do we really want to spend all this money to build something that we'll never be able to finish because we werent willing to count the cost to begin with?
He doesn't want us quitting half way through. He doesn't want us to say, "well I didn't know how hard this was going to be...I didn't know how much I'd have to believe and sacrifice and do, I didn't know 'I Do' meant forever....I DIDN'T KNOW THE COST"

Jesus didn't want people in the crowd because everyone else was doing it. He didn't want people to build their faith in Him half way and then decide that it was too costly to finish!
We have far too many half way Christians out there and it's time we finish what we've started!

True Christ-followers, who have built their faith and counted the cost of sacrificing all for His Name's sake need to be seeking the "half wayers". We need to be mentoring, encouraging, teaching, disciplining these people into full faith.
The churches and number seekers need to STOP dumbing down the sacrifice Christ requires in order to be His follower! People need to understand up front what they're getting into!
Picture Credit

We don't want to buy a car that we're told is amazing, brand new, only 20,000 miles and has a new paint job -- only to get it half way home; it breaks down, the sticker falls off and it really has 200,000 miles, the paint peels off and then it explodes.
"Half wayers" are like this. They are sold a lie that all Jesus required is for you to recognize your a sinner, repent and believe. Even though this is true, where is the conversation about total loss of self? Sacrifice of your current lifestyle, making other believers as we're commanded, full commitment and fidelity to our spouse, honesty, integrity, upholding of the Word of God, loving others as yourself...etc, etc.

You get the picture.

People get half way in and they say, "I thought you only said I had to believe and repent...I didn't know I was signing up for all this. It's too hard for me."

They end up walking away because we haven't finished our job as disciples. We count our next salvation on our statistic sheet for next years church calendar and we're done with them.
When's the last time someone checked in on your faith?
All of our faith wavers at different points in our life. Do you have a body surrounding you who is more than a body...more like a family. A family who will walk with you and uphold you in your struggle in building your tower for the Lord.

That's what we do here @REACH. We want to see finished towers...we want to see people pick up where they left off and have enough dignity to start the building process again.

#takethescalesoff (Credit)

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Take the Scales Off (Part 1)

We got to the point in our ministry where if Jesus had a church in Memphis, we knew our church would be bigger.

Picture Credit
The church speaks softer than Christ spoke, they dumb down His word to appease the coverings above them and they put focus on other things than what's really at hand. It's easy to go to a church where the truth is evaded and danced around in order to preserve comfort levels.
What happened to God's word convicting us. What happened to hearing the truth and feeling a power we can't explain overtake us and cause us to change everything about who we are to become more like Him?

I care about reaching people with the word, but I care more about reaching people with the word that Jesus spoke.
His word was radical, harsh and called you to sacrifice everything.
Let's be perfectly blunt...if Jesus had a church in Memphis, you wouldn't go!

I don't want to lead someone to Christ and they accept because Jesus makes them feel good -- I haven't done my job then!! They're still on a one way ticket to hell.
I want to lead people who are willing to give everything, total transformation, total loss of self to who Christ is and what He did.

Let's look at the parable of the sower in Matthew 13.
Thousands of people came to hear Jesus, and He told a parable that most didn't understand. This was strategic - He did it on purpose, and He explains why!
Matthew 13:3-8 Jesus talks about a sower throwing seed to the hard ground, to the rocks, to the weeds and finally good soil. He says the seeds on the hard ground were eaten up by the birds, the seeds on the rock were burnt by the sun, the seeds on the weeds were choked by the thorns, but the seeds on the good soil grew and grew.

Then He says something very interesting...

Matthew 13:9 "Anyone who has ears should listen!”

Then He walks away!!

Here, this whole magnitude of people gathered from different towns just to see and hear Jesus...

He gives one weird parable that almost no one understood, tells us if we have ears we should listen, then walks off!

What gives??

 This is exactly what His disciples said to Him in Matthew 13:10 “Why do You speak to them in parables?”

The next part is where Jesus starts to explain what He did. 
Why would you keep throwing seed on the ground where the birds are just going to eat it up? Why would you keep throwing seed onto the rocks when you know the sun is just going to burn it up? You're not going to keep fertilizing rocks...or watering sidewalks.

Jesus didn't want people there just to be part of the crowd. Jesus wanted people there who could really get it! People who He could really cultivate, people who would grow for Him and produce the fruit that He desired.

Matthew 13:13-15 goes on,
"For this reason I speak to them in parables, because looking they do not see, and hearing they do not listen or understand. Isaiah’s prophecy is fulfilled in them, which says:
You will listen and listen, 
yet never understand;
and you will look and look,
yet never perceive.
For this people’s heart has grown callous;
their ears are hard of hearing,
and they have shut their eyes;
otherwise they might see with their eyes
and hear with their ears,
understand with their hearts
and turn back—
and I would cure them." (HCSB)

I used to be afraid to preach like Jesus.
Not anymore.

I don't care if our numbers don't soar the first year, or 2, or 10!! I care about the quality and authenticity of the word that I'm putting out. I care that it's 100% Christs teachings and none of my candy coated garbage just to attract more people.

Our society likes large numbers! We measure our success by the number of people who show up to see our show...but Jesus didn't.
He only wanted the people who had the faith to go all-in even if the Word was hard to hear.

I'd rather be called out for my sin and go through the struggle of making it right, than to marinate in it, letting it corrupt everything good and pure that God meant for me.

TAKE THE SCALES OFF! Look at the truth that's right in front of you.

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Wednesday, February 4, 2015


The BIGGEST lie in this world today...

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"You are a good person."

Truth is...we're not.
Romans 3:9-10 "What then? Are we any better? Not at all! For we have previously charged that both Jews and Gentiles are all under sin, as it is written: There is no one righteous, not even one." (HCSB)

The world is trying to sell you this lie that everyone can find peace through a "good" life, when reality is, they're dying in their sin.
Isaiah 64:6 says, "All of us have become like something unclean, and all our righteous acts are like a polluted (filthy) garment; all of us wither like a leaf, and our iniquities carry us away like the wind." (HCSB)

When we attend a funeral for a person we know never accepted Christ...there is always one person that says, "well, sister Sue was such an amazing person. She was so kind and helped others. I just know she's in a better place."

^^I want to crawl out of my skin when I hear this^^

I'm sorry to tell you this...but sister Sue has been cast into the Lake of Fire to be tormented forever and ever because of her inability to see she was a sinner and her disobedience of accepting the sacrifice made for her.
"The Devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur where the beast and the false prophet are, and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever...And anyone not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire." Revelation 20:10, 15 (HCSB)

Revelation 21:8 says "But the cowards, unbelievers, vile, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars--their share will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death." (HCSB)

Even followers of Christ have committed these sins. Not one of us is capable of good or moral standings. Believers will be spared the second death of the lake of fire because of our belief in Christ and the repenting of our sin.

"Good people" commit sin, and if you haven't accepted the sacrifice made in your place for that sin then your future is a burning lake of torment.

This is a call to all Christians to do 2 things!
1. Have more of an urgency to seek the lost with the gospel. Our time is short and we're not doing enough to spread the truth to the masses.

2. Live in your own truth.
    -we continue to sin even after our day of salvation. This is a given. The devil is going to continue to tempt us, and we are going to fall. God doesn't expect us to be perfect, but He does require obedience.

We don't need one more scandal. We don't need one more person to be "found out".
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We need true honest confession of the heart. You're hurting yourself by staying in the midst of your sin. We need to have such a fear of God that we stand before others to reveal the truth about ourselves. All darkness will be shown light in one form or another. How freeing to confess rather than to be uncovered.

We need to be ashamed and uncomfortable in our sin. The Bible tells us "our righteousness is but filthy rags" which is why Christ came in the first place.
Confession of sin is the first step in finding freedom from the legacy of Adam we were born into.

Not ONE is good. Live in your own truth.

Monday, February 2, 2015

What is Worship?

Worship is a topic that is widely taught on in the modern church. We love the "praise and worship" time in service, but then we're taught that worship isn't a song. We love letting the music invoke our emotions and raising our hands in surrender to our King, but then we're told that worship isn't a feeling.
We're told that worship is a display of our love for God, but it's so much more than that. We're being shown and taught two different things, which causes confusion of worship and it suffers in our day-to-day lives.
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Loving God is a given. Obviously we're going to love the One who gave us breath, however, showing that love and understanding how to show it is something completely different.

So what is worship?
Psalm 34:1-3 says, "I will praise the Lord at all times; His praise will always be on my lips. I will boast in the Lord; the humble will hear and be glad. Proclaim Yahweh’s greatness with me; let us exalt His name together." (HCSB)

Our hearts need to sing His praises without ceasing, and our prayer needs to be an ever constant conversation. We are to display God's love to the lost, less fortunate and in situations that try our patience.
Loving and worshiping God is like any other relationship. It needs searching and growing, and will often go through times of testing. If we neglect our relationship with Him, His voice will dim and we'll never grow. Worship of Him is ultimately our searching of His heart.

You might say, "I have open prayer conversation with God, and still, nothing changes. I don't feel any closer to Him."
Secret prayer is also required. God is jealous for us and desires to spend time with us.
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Matthew 6:6 says, "But when you pray, go into your private room, shut your door, and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you." (HCSB)

God works best with our full attention and submission. What happens in our secret time can't happen during "praise & worship" at church. 
Secret prayer is when we get our 'ugly cry' on. It's where He completely restores and heals the broken hearted. Where He speaks to temptation and silences it. Where He puts away fears and insecurities. Where He shows you why He IS King.

If you don't have time set aside everyday to spend with Him, you need to do it. Open prayer conversation during the day is great, but distractions will ALWAYS be present during that time. Go into your secret place, shut out the world and spend time with the great I AM.

 One of my favorite versus is:
 Psalm 84:2, "I long and yearn for the courts of the LORD; my heart and flesh cry out for the living God." (HCSB)

Fashion a heart in me that is only Yours, that I might seek and find my God. I want to yearn...I want to search Your passion for me and others. I want to pour out my simple love over You that I might be able to express to You the millions of things I feel for Your Greatness.
I want to be a paint brush in the Artist's hand. I want You to write Your name on my life. Make me Your masterpiece. Give me a greater hunger and a greater passion for the call You have on my life. Your will is perfect, and my heart and flesh do cry out for the living God! You're the Creator and Sustainer, and the only one who understands this flawed heart. Remember me, Lord...I give my all for You.

Thursday, January 29, 2015


Much of what we produce in our personal ministries is brought about from where we're planted. Where we decide to plant our roots needs to not be taken lightly. We need to approach the matter with much prayer and follow only the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Ultimately, where we're planted and what we're planted in will be the reason for the success or failure of our ministries.

Different Types of Soils:

1. Content Soil
    -This soil once had a fire and a spark to it, but it's been burnt out for decades. It has an impeccable legacy, but no clear future. People are happy staying in the soil because of the name that is built on top of it. There's no stirring, no moving, just content people sitting in lukewarm soil.
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 2. Abusive Soil
     -This soil doesn't do much, but talk. They like a "good, hard preaching," and they like to judge others for not being as 'Holy' as they are. In their heart-of-hearts they don't feel like they're being judgmental at all. They feel like they've been given marching orders and they're obeying. However, the orders have no vision, no passion and they are left to wander. They are following a man instead of a King.

3. Guilty Soil
    -This soil has taken up residence in your mind rather than your heart. It continually tells you that you're a sinner and you could never possibly do any good for the Kingdom of God. This soil makes you believe the lie that you have to carry your sins, and therefore, paralyzes your ministry and your spiritual growth.

4. Busy Soil
    -This soil knows how to throw a good party, while doing prison ministry, nursing home outreach and service to local homeless shelter. It delivers babies on the weekend and builds sweet old sister Sue a shed in her backyard. This soil is spread too thin and worried too much about disappointing others than they are about pleasing the Lord. Yes, the work is good work, but the motive is in vain. No one can be useful when they have too much to handle.

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5. God-given Soil
    -This soil is unique. No two soils are the same, and if God isn't the one to lead you to this soil, you won't grow. This soil is personalized, fertilized and cultivated for the obedient. This soil is easy and light. Roots are able to be formed immediately and fruit is seen instantaneously.

Crazy things happen when people find 'their Soil'.
If you find yourself in one of the above 'Soil's' that isn't #5, you need to be praying about how God can get you to #5. Look at where you are and how effective you're being. Are your gifts recognized, are they being put to work, are you seeing results...does anyone even know you're in the pew?

My wife and I found our 'Soil' in REACH. Crazy things are happening, and unbelievable fruit is beginning to blossom. Take your step of faith and search out where you'll be able to grow.

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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Become what "They" need

 Christ's mission on earth was to "seek and save the lost." His mission for us is to go into all nations with the gospel so that all may hear and have the opportunity to know Him. Although churches across this country have multimillion dollar facilities, eloquent preachers and an outreach program...what are they really accomplishing?
Even with all of these state-of-the-art amenities, churches are closing their doors by the thousands. People aren't interested in buying what the churches are selling anymore. People have grown tired of the show and are hungry for more.

Just because we go to church on Sunday morning, and some on Wednesday nights, doesn't mean that we're fulfilling what God has called us to do.

Think about it:
1. Are you being used?
    -Are your gifts realized and put to maximum work for the furtherance of the Kingdom? Or are you comfortable listening to a message and going home, never to open your Bible until next Sunday?
2. Are you continually being pushed?
    -Are you always being pushed to search God's heart more deeply, more intimately, more passionately? Are you able to get enough of His word?
3. Are you changing?
    -Are your thoughts, actions, perspective, circumstances, opinions, etc. changing to a more Christ-centered direction?
4. Are you reaching people with His word?
    -How many people were you able to lead to Christ last year...this year? How many people were you able to minister to?
5. Are you being taught?
    -Are you being taught and guided how to accomplish all of the above? Does the church you attend care for your spiritual-man? Are they investing in you in order to reach more?

We are not called to be like the world. In fact, the Bible states in 1 Thessalonians 5:22 to, "Abstain from all appearance of evil." (KJV) So how do we reach a world that doesn't act like us?

We have to understand them. We have to search their hurt and desire full restoration of their heart. If we cannot find common ground with people we will be unable to reach them with the truth they're so desperately looking for.

1 Cor 9:22 "To the weak I became weak, in order to win the weak. I have become all things to all people, so that I may by every possible means save some." (HCSB)
Our heart must be so set to searching out the lost that we become their weakness, their hurt, their worthlessness in order to understand where they are and how they need to receive the Word.

This great nation was built on those very principles. Even our Statue of Liberty has an inscription reading,
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
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 The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of freedom. To the immigrants coming in trough Ellis Island, she was hope. She was a dream of a better tomorrow; a savior.
Our great country has forgotten this, and our churches have forgotten the true message and calling of Christ.

Are you being used, prepared and encouraged to be everything you need to be in order to fulfill the mission Christ has called you to do? Are we reaching people with a genuine love and hunger to seek actual transformation? Are we willing to fight for the truth at all cost?

Give me the hungry, homeless, displaced, exhausted, disgusted, too-far-gone.
Give me the unlovable and allow me to show them true love.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Love for Fellow Man

Today marks the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.

The complete disregard for human life was astonishing and sickening.
Today we remember 11 million innocent people who lost their lives because of the evil that swept through Germany.
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 As followers of Christ we are commanded to love one another.
However, I feel we as Americans, have lost the compassion for our fellow brothers and sisters. Instead we protect the liars and fakes, we exalt the immoral and unrighteous and we encourage what continues to corrupt our families. We are giving into the same sins that ultimately lead to the happenings at Auschwitz.

You may think that our sins of immorality pale in comparison to what took place during the Holocaust.
Rev. Billy Graham stated,
"It is always difficult and dangerous to attempt to list sins according to their degree of seriousness. In one sense, all sins are equal in that they all separate us from God. The Bible’s statement, “For the wages of sin is death …” (Romans 6:23), applies to all sin, whether in thought, word, or deed.

At the same time, it seems obvious that some sins are worse than others in both motivation and effects, and should be judged accordingly. Stealing a loaf of bread is vastly different than exterminating a million people. Sins may also differ at their root." Quote Credit

So you may have not killed millions of people, but the root of your sin is still evil. In 1 John 3:15-16 it says, "Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him. By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers" (ESV)
Your thoughts and your intentions of hate are considered murder in the eyes of God.

I'm calling for this nation, our churches, our families to rethink morality vs. political correctness. Do we want to ride the fence and let evil continue to speak over our lives in order to preserve our comfort zones? Or are we made for something more?

Last time I checked, I was made to break boundaries, speak truth, ignite passion, inspire change and reinvent what it means to humbly serve a Risen Savior.

Colossians 3:12-15 says, "Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful." (ESV)

Put on love. Exalt forgiveness and offer it freely. Encourage morality and whose who humbly follow and seek after God's Word.

We were made for more than what we're being.
Be more!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Fear for Freedom?

In today's politically correct world, we are often stifled as believers to keep all of our opinions to ourselves. Even in the churches we are told to suppress our true thoughts on Biblical topics that are otherwise unsavory in order to preserve the comfort of the masses. 
(i.e. They want their pews to remain filled!)

We are called to be genuine and forthright with the Word of God and with the urgency in which the writers of the gospels had. Today there are but a precious few of genuine character. We ought to seek after these people, encourage them, learn their boldness and the source of it.

"For this I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I might be bold enough in Him to speak as I should." (Ephesians 6:20 HCSB)
We, as believers, are given power and authority that most Christian's never tap into. We are told to pray for boldness, for God expects it.

He knew that speaking the truth would be difficult for us, which is why He sent His Son. Jesus spoke boldly and gave His life for it! We are called to the same purpose. Our mission is not easy, but our purpose is eternal.
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Luke 10:19 says, "Look, I have given you the authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy; nothing will ever harm you." (HCSB)

-Stay with me now.

I'm not saying to go and dance with snakes...this is metaphorical, meaning that even in the craziest of situations when we feel evil itself coming up against us, that we have God-given Authority through Jesus Christ to overpower all. Nothing can harm us.

Let's speak boldly, intentionally, genuinely...
Let's encourage other believers to do the same.

Who knows, maybe we'll change the world...

"You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (John 8:32 HCSB)

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Starting Anew


I am Pastor Matt Greer.

My family and I are on the verge of stepping out into a new journey that God has so graciously laid on our hearts! We are humbled that He has chosen us for this adventure and it is our hope that we have continued support in the form of prayers!

 I live with my beautiful wife and our three sons in Memphis, TN. It is our goal to reach the inner city in order to allow God to begin to heal the very visible wounds. We desire to reach the ones who have turned away from traditional church because of 'hypocrites, unscriptural teachings or hurts' in order to allow God to heal the brokenhearted. We feel it is our calling, as believers, to reach the lost. We're not a ministry who wants your money. We want people whose heart's desire is to reach a broken and dark world with the truth. We want people who are willing to actually show the love of Christ instead of being present for the 'show' on Sunday mornings. This is a ministry where love is put into action. It's personal, compassionate and alive!

R.E.A.C.H. Home Ministries stands for: Re-think Everything And Come Help!
Meaning...re-think what it means to "do church". Re-think the 'scriptural truths' you've been taught as fact. Re-think what it means to be a believer of Jesus Christ and what He expects of us. Re-think what it means to love people. Lastly...help. Go and Do!

'Send us, God! For if not us, then who? We'll go through whatever it takes to get Your truth to the masses!'

Please follow this blog and our youtube page (once it's up and running) for daily encouragement, devotionals, advice, testimonials, updates and Word God has laid on my heart!

Thank you for your support and furtherance of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ!

Get Hungry!