Sunday, April 19, 2015

April 19th, 2015

Last week my family and I took a much-needed vacation to Florida. The best part of it...?

Our dedicated and devoted church family met in our absence, and had an AMAZING time of fellowship. They had a chance to connect one-on-one and Rick Frederick lead out in the teaching.

This morning we had a subtly divine worship service.

Once again, we added yet another beautiful family to our fellowship time and it was an incredible morning.

My wife recently became friendly with our newest neighbors, and it turns out they are a ministry family searching for a building to start their own church. They were receptive to our church family, and we are certain they will be life long friends.

God gave both our families a vision of having 'church' in the middle of our cove!
It was wonderful to share dreams and visions...and we're so excited to see what God is going to do with our hunger.

This morning we discussed our focus. We ought to focus on Loving God and Loving His people. If we are true to these two commandments, all other areas of struggle will fall into place.

Other members brought up different aspects of love and how we need to humble ourselves in order to reach more. We talked about different facets of outreach and how to volunteer and mentor to make disciples.

Our morning was supernatural, edifying, exciting and FULL of love! Our members are excited to come together, and even more excited to go out!

God has been so good to us, and we're humbled.

Pray for increase. Pray for able, willing and teachable hearts. Pray for the impossible.

We love Florida too!

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