Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Resurrection Sunday

This was the first Easter (first holiday, period!) we spent together as R.E.A.C.H.!

It was incredible! Our church body was all dressed in their Easter Sunday best and we had the privilege to share our morning with two very recent additions to our church family! They are a beautiful young couple with a driving passion to do the work of Christ!

They add a necessary edge to our church family and we're blessed to have them!

The other precious family that worships with us brought their mother to our resurrection celebration, and we felt absolutely complete!

We all feel like we're standing on the edge of a supernatural awakening, and we're ready to go! We've been given marching orders and we're getting dressed for battle!

More outreach opportunity is coming quickly, and we need more hands! Let's reach the people with the truth of Jesus Christ...He didn't die just for us...He died for ALL! For them...

Be watching for the men's Bible study we'll be starting up soon, and remember our women's study 'Judgemental Stones that Destroy Women' on Friday nights!


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