Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Women's Bible Study THIS Friday

(This is a re-post from

I'm beyond excited to be starting up a new women's Bible study this Friday night in our home.

Friday, March 27th @6pm -please email me or find my husband on Facebook for more info (Matt Greer).
This Bible study is going to be different. Yes, we're going to study the Word, but I'll be revamping what it means to meet together as women. I'll be redefining our roles, our relationships and the way we communicate.

We will be looking at Judgemental Stones what Destroy Women, and this Friday we'll be discussing the 'BFF Stone'. You're not going to want to miss this!

Other Stones we'll be looking at:
The Stone of Self-Judgement that isn't Reality
The Stone of Calling Hurtful Statements, 'Honesty'
The Stone of Assuming and Not Knowing
The Comparative Stone
The Equality Stone

I'll be combining a lot of these for times sake, but all are important to womanhood and we'll search each one throughout the next 6 weeks!
I pray that your heart is being prepared for this study, as mine has been broken for it.
I'll see you Friday!

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