Monday, March 16, 2015

650 PROJECT has Begun!

What a truly AWESOME day we had yesterday together at R.E.A.C.H.!

We all gathered at our home to prepare, and then hit the streets after a word of prayer for our safety and the hearts of those we'd encounter.

With our blessing bags in tote we sought out those living on the streets of Memphis. We met some really incredible men!
One, in particular, has a ministry of his own helping the other homeless men, and visiting them to encourage them EVEN though he's homeless himself!
The men were touched and gave us great information on other homeless people in Memphis that needed our help!

It struck a chord with our youth that participated. They got to see, first hand, what compassion looks like. NOT from us...but from those who had nothing. They were willing to give and do more than we could ever dream of doing. These men admitted they made mistakes, and they were humbled by the life they had led.

Another man told us that the media likes to put out that there are only roughly 250some homeless men and women in the Memphis City Metro. He said, in fact, there are between 2,300-2,500.

Even though those numbers are heartbreaking, we are encouraged. We are burdened to do more, to go further and to reach the multitudes!

We are not going to give the names or locations of these men, specifically for their safety, but if you would like to help please contact me through Facebook or

We need workers. The fields are right for the harvest and we're ready to go! We're here to go, to love and to watch His truth set people free!


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