Sunday, March 1, 2015

God Celebration

Fellowship after service. Always a good time:)
What a mighty God we serve!  And what an amazing day of worship we had together as a church body. It literally felt like we were having a party in the name of Christ.
Our young people sharing the Word.

We talked about counting the cost of salvation and how to live more like Christ commanded we ought to live.
We even started going through our favorite scripture passages and sharing how much it meant to our daily walk. God was moving and everyone felt the love in the room.

We ate, shared and organized new outings. We are so encouraged by what God is doing with our humble ministry. We never expected such amazing relationship and wildly pure worship of our King.

Our baby Asher passed out from all the fun.
We ask for prayers for our ministry and the work God has called us to do. We are stepping out in complete faith, and we are doing what most only dream of doing. We are going out to
love God's people...

Pray we have the words to say.
Pray for our safety.
Pray that we are able to make a difference.
Pray that our hearts stay humble and our mission stays focused!

We'd love for you to help. More details to come. For more info message me on Facebook.
Our children are part of our service time. This gives them foundation and interaction with the whole Word of God.

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