Friday, March 6, 2015

Women's Bible Study

I am so excited to announce the first Bible study I'll be leading out as part of R.E.A.C.H. ministries! This study will focus on women and how to become better at the roles we were given by God. We are going to dig deep into Titus, Proverbs and most of the New Testament in order to reveal what God says about our gifts, talents and how we ought to encourage each other.

Our main focus is going to be Judgements that we don't always necessarily see as judgements. I'll be sharing funny moments, embarrassing times and stories of struggle from my own life, and I will encourage any woman who comes to do the same.

I'm praying for open conversation where each woman feels safe and protected. A study time every week where she cannot wait to come and be with other women who love her and want to build her up in the name of Christ. I have been in non-stop prayer over this study God's preparing me for, and for every woman who should decide to attend.

Over the past two years my heart has been burdened for Women's Ministry. I've gone through struggles of my own which broke and shaped my heart for the journey my Lord has lead me to now. I never thought in a million years I'd be called into women's ministry, and even questioned God if I was able.
Through a couple bold prayers, and some more character-shaping journeys, God revealed a fierce Word in my heart. I'm overwhelmed and humbled, and I'm ready to share what God has shown me!

I challenge you...If you are not part of a women's group/study to come see what we're doing! What an amazing time we set aside for each other and God's word, solely for the purpose of knowing Him and each other better.

So now that you're hungry for this super awesome, knock your socks off Bible study...(!!!)...

Friday, March 27th from 6-7pm
@our home (email me for more info:
We will meet for 6 weeks every Friday going until May 8th (we'll skip a week in April)

I pray that you'll come! You'll be blessed!

-Kayla G.

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