Saturday, March 7, 2015


R.E.A.C.H. Ministries Outreach

There are approximately 650,000 people within the city limits of Memphis.

As Sunday rolls around, only 23% of Memphians are walking through the doors of an organized religious establishment.
This includes home churches, all denominations and non Christian places of worship.

This leaves approximately 487,500 people *admitting* they do not attend church for various reasons.
I believe this number to be much higher, especially in Memphis.

Example: a neighborhood church group knocks on your door Saturday morning. They want to know if you attend church anywhere...
Or, even better...a Jehovah's witness knocks and starts their script. You don't normally attend church... ever... so you tell them you already have a home church and you politely send them on their way.

Many people lie about attending a church just to be left alone. Therefore, this is why I believe the number to be much higher than the polls project.

The 650 PROJECT is aimed at trying to reach those who are tired of the questions, tired of religion, tired of Jesus being presented in a 2 minute 'sinner's prayer' with a guy in a suit they don't even know. Our goal is to go where the people are and connect on a level they desire. What better way to reach a desperate world then going directly to the hurt and trying to understand things from their point if view. We're on their turf, on their terms, where they're most comfortable.

No more will we be comfortable to invite the lost into our cozy churches only knowing they more than likely will never show up. Even if they do, we tell them we're glad they came and we'll be praying they return...all the while knowing they never will.
We're seeking active relationships with struggling people knowing God is going to bring about remarkable outcomes!
No more sitting in our churches or homes.

We're hitting the streets, and we're putting our faith to the test.

Let's reach the 650+ thousand people of Memphis with some hardcore truth. Let's physically put Bibles.... not just tracts... but the entire Word of God into their hands. Let's live like Jesus did and seek the hurt of this city knowing that Christ is the only healer!

Let's win back Memphis with love!
R.E.A.C.H. Ministries Outreach

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