Monday, February 23, 2015

Feb 22nd Recap

What an exciting day we had yesterday. Our precious church family arrived and we got right into the meat of the Word.
We started by discussing our week, and my wife lead out in a small worship time. We then got into our teaching on End Times, ISIS, the four horsemen and what it all means to us.

We were all encouraged by the conversation and the desire that everyone had to contribute. My wife will soon blog about End Times and her findings. It's something you're not going to want to miss!!

After fellowship, we broke for lunch. We ate, laughed, ate some more and simply enjoyed each others company. We even had the privilege of having Mrs. Christal's red velvet cake!! Yum!
Our fellowship went late into the evening, and like last week, we didn't want to part ways. It's absolutely amazing how turning back to the Biblical New Testament church makes people change how they view church and what it means to assemble and enjoy the company of other believers.

We organized outreach projects, Bible studies and so much more that we will be unrolling soon!  If your interest is peeked, if your heart is pricked or if you're simply feeling convicted... we'd love to invite you to see what R.E.A.C.H is all about! Our Bible studies are open to everyone, as well as our outreach projects.

We pray that God revealed Himself in your worship time yesterday as He did ours. If you'd like more info on R.E.A.C.H please find me on Facebook @Matt Greer.

Be blessed & eat cake!

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