Sunday, February 15, 2015

Feb 15th's Praises!

We had such an amazing day of worship this morning! Our home became a place of worship as some incredible people filtered in bringing food and love. Our boys ran around and entertained everyone for a little while, which filled our home with an overwhelming joy and sense of family.

After while, we gathered in the living room for worship. We all had the opportunity to share how God revealed Himself to us over the course of our week, and we were in awe when we realized our encounters all connected in some way.
It was wonderful to sing God's praises in unison, and to feel His Spirit fill our humble space.

We got into our teaching which was about the sacrificial cost of discipleship. We discussed how we ought to trust God with our finances when were called to step out in leaving jobs, places of worship, etc.
We are called to live a life of simplicity as talked about in Matthew 6:25-34.
The world will make lists of "things" you need, however, God has clearly called us to a life of simplicity. 

We had the privilege of one man sharing something he had studied about trials, and how they aren't always bad. Sometimes trials are good in order to teach us something. We learn humility in times of blessings and abundance, and all good trials are learning tools that are given to us in order to shape our character. This all allows our lives, money and  homes to be tools for God to use to further His kingdom.

This ISNT us, but this IS what we look like. Picture Credit
After our fellowship time, we prayed and never even realized that TWO HOURS had passed. We had been so swept away by the Holy Spirit that time literally became irrelivant.
We continued on to lunch where we laughed, told stories and played with our children. It was warm and intimate and everything God intended the church body should be!
Our fellowship continued late into the afternoon, and here is where something amazing happened...

No one wanted to part ways.

We were so satisfied just being together that we weren't worried with our schedules or chores or TV shows that we may have been missing. Some were ready to settle in for a nap with our boys...and we would have been just fine with that:)

We believe this is what God intended His Sabbath to be like. A day of rest, singing praises to His name and loving one another in His name.

If you did not have an experience like this, this morning...and would like to have this experience. We encourage you to try REACH. We'd love to have you!

Pictures will come soon. Until then, be blessed. God is everywhere.

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