Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Re-purposed People

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DIYers all over the world love to take something of seemingly little value and create something with a new purpose and of greater value. Whether it is an old tv cabinet or a broken wooden pallet; we all love to watch the transformation of some old worn out item into a priceless work of art! I guess the old saying still rings true "One mans trash is another mans treasure".
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2 Cor. 5:17 explains that once a life has been entrusted to God, the old man has been transformed to a new life with a new purpose and a fresh beginning. When the grace of God is poured out on a life whose world has been shattered, they are forever changed. Whether it is a wife who has suffered abuse at the hands of a drunken husband, a child who has been abandoned by a single mother or man whose wife just left him for his best friend are all able to be re-purposed so that they might see their greater value.

Many people will travel the world over in search of things to cover their scars or to help them forget their pain but they will never find it. Many will seek the arms of a stranger or an old flame to try to be reminded of their worth, but they will never find their true sense of worth and purpose in this world. It must be found in the One who gave His life so that we might have life as is spoken of in John 10:10.

Whether your heart has been hardened by countless years of abuse and ridicule, or if you are just in search of something better...God is simply waiting for you to turn complete control of your life over to Him. He requires you to sacrifice everything so that He can give your life meaning and purpose.
Romans 12:1-2 explains that we need to offer our lives as a living sacrifice to God and to allow Him to transform us and renew our mind.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 reminds us that we are no longer the lord of our life, but we have been bought with the blood of Jesus Christ and our new life should bring glory to God.

We cannot allow the devil or the world to remind us of our history. Once we have been transformed, we have been re-purposed. Our life is now of endless worth and we have been given a higher purpose.

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