Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Become what "They" need

 Christ's mission on earth was to "seek and save the lost." His mission for us is to go into all nations with the gospel so that all may hear and have the opportunity to know Him. Although churches across this country have multimillion dollar facilities, eloquent preachers and an outreach program...what are they really accomplishing?
Even with all of these state-of-the-art amenities, churches are closing their doors by the thousands. People aren't interested in buying what the churches are selling anymore. People have grown tired of the show and are hungry for more.

Just because we go to church on Sunday morning, and some on Wednesday nights, doesn't mean that we're fulfilling what God has called us to do.

Think about it:
1. Are you being used?
    -Are your gifts realized and put to maximum work for the furtherance of the Kingdom? Or are you comfortable listening to a message and going home, never to open your Bible until next Sunday?
2. Are you continually being pushed?
    -Are you always being pushed to search God's heart more deeply, more intimately, more passionately? Are you able to get enough of His word?
3. Are you changing?
    -Are your thoughts, actions, perspective, circumstances, opinions, etc. changing to a more Christ-centered direction?
4. Are you reaching people with His word?
    -How many people were you able to lead to Christ last year...this year? How many people were you able to minister to?
5. Are you being taught?
    -Are you being taught and guided how to accomplish all of the above? Does the church you attend care for your spiritual-man? Are they investing in you in order to reach more?

We are not called to be like the world. In fact, the Bible states in 1 Thessalonians 5:22 to, "Abstain from all appearance of evil." (KJV) So how do we reach a world that doesn't act like us?

We have to understand them. We have to search their hurt and desire full restoration of their heart. If we cannot find common ground with people we will be unable to reach them with the truth they're so desperately looking for.

1 Cor 9:22 "To the weak I became weak, in order to win the weak. I have become all things to all people, so that I may by every possible means save some." (HCSB)
Our heart must be so set to searching out the lost that we become their weakness, their hurt, their worthlessness in order to understand where they are and how they need to receive the Word.

This great nation was built on those very principles. Even our Statue of Liberty has an inscription reading,
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Picture Credit
 The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of freedom. To the immigrants coming in trough Ellis Island, she was hope. She was a dream of a better tomorrow; a savior.
Our great country has forgotten this, and our churches have forgotten the true message and calling of Christ.

Are you being used, prepared and encouraged to be everything you need to be in order to fulfill the mission Christ has called you to do? Are we reaching people with a genuine love and hunger to seek actual transformation? Are we willing to fight for the truth at all cost?

Give me the hungry, homeless, displaced, exhausted, disgusted, too-far-gone.
Give me the unlovable and allow me to show them true love.

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