Thursday, January 29, 2015


Much of what we produce in our personal ministries is brought about from where we're planted. Where we decide to plant our roots needs to not be taken lightly. We need to approach the matter with much prayer and follow only the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Ultimately, where we're planted and what we're planted in will be the reason for the success or failure of our ministries.

Different Types of Soils:

1. Content Soil
    -This soil once had a fire and a spark to it, but it's been burnt out for decades. It has an impeccable legacy, but no clear future. People are happy staying in the soil because of the name that is built on top of it. There's no stirring, no moving, just content people sitting in lukewarm soil.
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 2. Abusive Soil
     -This soil doesn't do much, but talk. They like a "good, hard preaching," and they like to judge others for not being as 'Holy' as they are. In their heart-of-hearts they don't feel like they're being judgmental at all. They feel like they've been given marching orders and they're obeying. However, the orders have no vision, no passion and they are left to wander. They are following a man instead of a King.

3. Guilty Soil
    -This soil has taken up residence in your mind rather than your heart. It continually tells you that you're a sinner and you could never possibly do any good for the Kingdom of God. This soil makes you believe the lie that you have to carry your sins, and therefore, paralyzes your ministry and your spiritual growth.

4. Busy Soil
    -This soil knows how to throw a good party, while doing prison ministry, nursing home outreach and service to local homeless shelter. It delivers babies on the weekend and builds sweet old sister Sue a shed in her backyard. This soil is spread too thin and worried too much about disappointing others than they are about pleasing the Lord. Yes, the work is good work, but the motive is in vain. No one can be useful when they have too much to handle.

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5. God-given Soil
    -This soil is unique. No two soils are the same, and if God isn't the one to lead you to this soil, you won't grow. This soil is personalized, fertilized and cultivated for the obedient. This soil is easy and light. Roots are able to be formed immediately and fruit is seen instantaneously.

Crazy things happen when people find 'their Soil'.
If you find yourself in one of the above 'Soil's' that isn't #5, you need to be praying about how God can get you to #5. Look at where you are and how effective you're being. Are your gifts recognized, are they being put to work, are you seeing results...does anyone even know you're in the pew?

My wife and I found our 'Soil' in REACH. Crazy things are happening, and unbelievable fruit is beginning to blossom. Take your step of faith and search out where you'll be able to grow.

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