Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Starting Anew


I am Pastor Matt Greer.

My family and I are on the verge of stepping out into a new journey that God has so graciously laid on our hearts! We are humbled that He has chosen us for this adventure and it is our hope that we have continued support in the form of prayers!

 I live with my beautiful wife and our three sons in Memphis, TN. It is our goal to reach the inner city in order to allow God to begin to heal the very visible wounds. We desire to reach the ones who have turned away from traditional church because of 'hypocrites, unscriptural teachings or hurts' in order to allow God to heal the brokenhearted. We feel it is our calling, as believers, to reach the lost. We're not a ministry who wants your money. We want people whose heart's desire is to reach a broken and dark world with the truth. We want people who are willing to actually show the love of Christ instead of being present for the 'show' on Sunday mornings. This is a ministry where love is put into action. It's personal, compassionate and alive!

R.E.A.C.H. Home Ministries stands for: Re-think Everything And Come Help! what it means to "do church". Re-think the 'scriptural truths' you've been taught as fact. Re-think what it means to be a believer of Jesus Christ and what He expects of us. Re-think what it means to love people. Go and Do!

'Send us, God! For if not us, then who? We'll go through whatever it takes to get Your truth to the masses!'

Please follow this blog and our youtube page (once it's up and running) for daily encouragement, devotionals, advice, testimonials, updates and Word God has laid on my heart!

Thank you for your support and furtherance of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ!

Get Hungry!

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