Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Women's Bible Study THIS Friday

(This is a re-post from

I'm beyond excited to be starting up a new women's Bible study this Friday night in our home.

Friday, March 27th @6pm -please email me or find my husband on Facebook for more info (Matt Greer).
This Bible study is going to be different. Yes, we're going to study the Word, but I'll be revamping what it means to meet together as women. I'll be redefining our roles, our relationships and the way we communicate.

We will be looking at Judgemental Stones what Destroy Women, and this Friday we'll be discussing the 'BFF Stone'. You're not going to want to miss this!

Other Stones we'll be looking at:
The Stone of Self-Judgement that isn't Reality
The Stone of Calling Hurtful Statements, 'Honesty'
The Stone of Assuming and Not Knowing
The Comparative Stone
The Equality Stone

I'll be combining a lot of these for times sake, but all are important to womanhood and we'll search each one throughout the next 6 weeks!
I pray that your heart is being prepared for this study, as mine has been broken for it.
I'll see you Friday!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Frustrations Of A Father

Ever since I have had the opportunity to own a vehicle, I have tried to keep it clean and looking nice. A shiny car always looks newer, and it just makes me feel better driving a nice clean car.

After all of the snow, ice, salt, etc. from the past couple of weeks, the vehicles were in need of a good scrub down. So I jumped on the first opportunity to do so.

After getting everything set up, I lined the cars in the driveway. Much to my inconvenience, my 2 and 3 year old were wanting me to go jump on the trampoline with them. I kept trying to encourage them to jump without me, but to no avail. My wife tried to encourage the same turning to me and saying, "they just want to spend time with you".
I have never been one to mix work and play, so any time the boys 'help', I just end up becoming frustrated and upset with them.

Nevertheless, I let them out to help, and the inevitable chaos ensued. I promise you, when little boys get around water they grow extra hands just to cause more trouble. There were so many tiny hands in the bubbles, and all of the wash rags went straight into the muddy puddles. There was running and splashing; along with the clean areas being dirtied again. The faster I tried to work, the more spots I was missing.

My clean soapy water kept getting lower and dirtier each time the boys dunked their rags in it.
I was so frustrated that I was about to send them both inside, and then it hit me. Actually, God hit me. Right upside the head. Just like all of those times I was acting up in church and thought I was out of the reach of my father.
He reminded me that there are hundreds of thousands of dad's who would give everything they own for their child to ask to spend some time with them. So many fathers who ache just to see their child one last time. Here I was, being frustrated by my boys for simply being boys. I wasn't willing to enjoy their laughter and rowdiness while I have them by my side.

All of the extra work and all of the missed spots seemed to fade from my mind when I began to think of what my heavenly Father must feel like when dealing with us. I read into the frustration that Jesus had with the disciples on many occasions. Either for their lack of faith, their inability to stay awake and pray, their fear or their simple lack of understanding.

I wonder if Jesus was ever ready to throw in the towel, send them on their way and do it Himself?
I wonder if He ever questioned His Father, if all of the extra work and all of the repetitive teaching was really doing any good at all. It seemed as if they would never get it because their agendas of being the greatest in the kingdom was always in the front of their mind.

Before this time with my boys, I had always wondered why He uses us. I could never figure out why He would take all of the extra time to deal with the frustration of our lack of obedience and faith, instead of just destroying the earth all together.

It had never made any sense until those two filthy, soaking wet boys came running up to me. With the biggest smiles on their faces, they yelled, "Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" Now I know, and now I understand.

You may see me driving around town in a shiny, black SUV with dirt spots down along the side. You may wonder why I would take the time to hook up the hose, fill the buckets, get the rags, scrub down the car, and yet, not get it completely clean.
To this I would have to say, "because each one of those imperfections remind me that my children love me, and want to spend time with ME more than anything in the world."

This is what our heavenly Father desires of us, as well. That no matter what this world throws at us, we would always choose Him over it all. Not because we have to, or because we know that's what He'd like us to do...but because we WANT to. Because we can't get enough of His presence. Because being with Him is better than anything else in the world.

Monday, March 16, 2015

650 PROJECT has Begun!

What a truly AWESOME day we had yesterday together at R.E.A.C.H.!

We all gathered at our home to prepare, and then hit the streets after a word of prayer for our safety and the hearts of those we'd encounter.

With our blessing bags in tote we sought out those living on the streets of Memphis. We met some really incredible men!
One, in particular, has a ministry of his own helping the other homeless men, and visiting them to encourage them EVEN though he's homeless himself!
The men were touched and gave us great information on other homeless people in Memphis that needed our help!

It struck a chord with our youth that participated. They got to see, first hand, what compassion looks like. NOT from us...but from those who had nothing. They were willing to give and do more than we could ever dream of doing. These men admitted they made mistakes, and they were humbled by the life they had led.

Another man told us that the media likes to put out that there are only roughly 250some homeless men and women in the Memphis City Metro. He said, in fact, there are between 2,300-2,500.

Even though those numbers are heartbreaking, we are encouraged. We are burdened to do more, to go further and to reach the multitudes!

We are not going to give the names or locations of these men, specifically for their safety, but if you would like to help please contact me through Facebook or

We need workers. The fields are right for the harvest and we're ready to go! We're here to go, to love and to watch His truth set people free!


Saturday, March 7, 2015


R.E.A.C.H. Ministries Outreach

There are approximately 650,000 people within the city limits of Memphis.

As Sunday rolls around, only 23% of Memphians are walking through the doors of an organized religious establishment.
This includes home churches, all denominations and non Christian places of worship.

This leaves approximately 487,500 people *admitting* they do not attend church for various reasons.
I believe this number to be much higher, especially in Memphis.

Example: a neighborhood church group knocks on your door Saturday morning. They want to know if you attend church anywhere...
Or, even better...a Jehovah's witness knocks and starts their script. You don't normally attend church... ever... so you tell them you already have a home church and you politely send them on their way.

Many people lie about attending a church just to be left alone. Therefore, this is why I believe the number to be much higher than the polls project.

The 650 PROJECT is aimed at trying to reach those who are tired of the questions, tired of religion, tired of Jesus being presented in a 2 minute 'sinner's prayer' with a guy in a suit they don't even know. Our goal is to go where the people are and connect on a level they desire. What better way to reach a desperate world then going directly to the hurt and trying to understand things from their point if view. We're on their turf, on their terms, where they're most comfortable.

No more will we be comfortable to invite the lost into our cozy churches only knowing they more than likely will never show up. Even if they do, we tell them we're glad they came and we'll be praying they return...all the while knowing they never will.
We're seeking active relationships with struggling people knowing God is going to bring about remarkable outcomes!
No more sitting in our churches or homes.

We're hitting the streets, and we're putting our faith to the test.

Let's reach the 650+ thousand people of Memphis with some hardcore truth. Let's physically put Bibles.... not just tracts... but the entire Word of God into their hands. Let's live like Jesus did and seek the hurt of this city knowing that Christ is the only healer!

Let's win back Memphis with love!
R.E.A.C.H. Ministries Outreach

Friday, March 6, 2015

Women's Bible Study

I am so excited to announce the first Bible study I'll be leading out as part of R.E.A.C.H. ministries! This study will focus on women and how to become better at the roles we were given by God. We are going to dig deep into Titus, Proverbs and most of the New Testament in order to reveal what God says about our gifts, talents and how we ought to encourage each other.

Our main focus is going to be Judgements that we don't always necessarily see as judgements. I'll be sharing funny moments, embarrassing times and stories of struggle from my own life, and I will encourage any woman who comes to do the same.

I'm praying for open conversation where each woman feels safe and protected. A study time every week where she cannot wait to come and be with other women who love her and want to build her up in the name of Christ. I have been in non-stop prayer over this study God's preparing me for, and for every woman who should decide to attend.

Over the past two years my heart has been burdened for Women's Ministry. I've gone through struggles of my own which broke and shaped my heart for the journey my Lord has lead me to now. I never thought in a million years I'd be called into women's ministry, and even questioned God if I was able.
Through a couple bold prayers, and some more character-shaping journeys, God revealed a fierce Word in my heart. I'm overwhelmed and humbled, and I'm ready to share what God has shown me!

I challenge you...If you are not part of a women's group/study to come see what we're doing! What an amazing time we set aside for each other and God's word, solely for the purpose of knowing Him and each other better.

So now that you're hungry for this super awesome, knock your socks off Bible study...(!!!)...

Friday, March 27th from 6-7pm
@our home (email me for more info:
We will meet for 6 weeks every Friday going until May 8th (we'll skip a week in April)

I pray that you'll come! You'll be blessed!

-Kayla G.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

God Celebration

Fellowship after service. Always a good time:)
What a mighty God we serve!  And what an amazing day of worship we had together as a church body. It literally felt like we were having a party in the name of Christ.
Our young people sharing the Word.

We talked about counting the cost of salvation and how to live more like Christ commanded we ought to live.
We even started going through our favorite scripture passages and sharing how much it meant to our daily walk. God was moving and everyone felt the love in the room.

We ate, shared and organized new outings. We are so encouraged by what God is doing with our humble ministry. We never expected such amazing relationship and wildly pure worship of our King.

Our baby Asher passed out from all the fun.
We ask for prayers for our ministry and the work God has called us to do. We are stepping out in complete faith, and we are doing what most only dream of doing. We are going out to
love God's people...

Pray we have the words to say.
Pray for our safety.
Pray that we are able to make a difference.
Pray that our hearts stay humble and our mission stays focused!

We'd love for you to help. More details to come. For more info message me on Facebook.
Our children are part of our service time. This gives them foundation and interaction with the whole Word of God.