Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Have you ever...?

How is your witness?

Were you ever discipled by anyone?

Could you/Have you discipled another?

God commands that we be disciples of Jesus Christ and go to the nation in order to MAKE disciples.

You see, we are not simply to speak Christ's name into our hearts and become convinced our work is over.
Quite the opposite.

We are to recognize our sin and become so disgusted and utterly repulsed that we enter into a cleansing called Salvation. We're so humbled and amazed at the actions that took place on the cross that we choose to do the unthinkable...

We ask another (Christ) to take over our lives. We completely surrender control of our future in exchange for cleansing (forgiveness) and eternal life.

A Christian disciple is a follower of Christ, but one thing you must know is, the cost of following Jesus Christ is your life.

It will cost you everything.

It's at this point that our work begins.

Matthew 28:19, "Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit..."

Luke 9:23 also talks about us full out denying ourselves to follow Christ.
We're CHOOSING to follow Jesus and no one else.
We're CHOOSING to give up our old life.
We're CHOOSING to stop in our tracks, turn around and never look back.
We're CHOOSING a harder life in hopes of saving lives.

No one ever said this was going to be easy.
But the Bible does say time and time again that the world will HATE US for His name's sake.
It says we will be persecuted.
It says that we will have to be joyful in our long suffering.
It says for us to worship in our time of lament.
It says to witness and speak His name even if that means certain death.

So where does that leave many of us in our walk? Where are we, as individuals, in terms of getting the gospel to the nations? In the years that we've been saved, how many people have we lead to salvation by our witness or testimony?

10, 300, 1...none?

I'm guilty of this myself. There was this women I had met a few years back who literally made me question if I loved God as much as I thought I did.
We'd be having regular "girl chat" conversations about the weather, school, weekend plans, football, boyfriends, etc. But her conversational language was much different than mine. Her language oozed her love for Christ. She spoke His name in almost every sentence - and it was never to the point of boasting or doing it to make a point. There was such humility and gentleness in her speech that she made me wholeheartedly desire the love that she had.

She knew Christ differently than I knew Him. She had such an intimate relationship with Him and she mentored me to have the same. She taught me, encouraged me and prayed for me. She cultivated in me the heart of a disciple.

Let's make this a little more interesting.

What if I told you that you would have to endure part of the Tribulation?
What if Christians would be here when the Anti-Christ came to power?

Would our witness and discipling be strong enough to win the hardened hearts of the unsaved during the Tribulation?

Would you even know where to begin because you've never actually had the intense urgency to save someone from eternal damnation by simply talking about the only One you're commanded to love with all of your heart, soul and mind?

Like the book of James, I'm going to impress a call to action. We need to get the scripture to the streets, NOW!
Start a new ministry, make a new friend, talk to the people in the waiting room at the doctors office, talk to the doctor! EVERYONE needs Jesus Christ. Everyone needs to be saved from an eternity of torture and separation from God.

Now let me ask you a question.
Why does no one care anymore?

I know what you're thinking...I do care! We all care!

Then why aren't you screaming His name from the rooftops? Why aren't you telling absolutely every single person you meet how unspeakably in love with Jesus you are? Why can't you name one person you've witnessed to in the last 6 months? Why can't you name one person that you've ever lead to His presence?

Where's the urgency?
The problem is...we think we have time...

-Written by: Kayla Greer

Original Source